Accounting software Troyee can be run by making double click on the icon of the software remaining in the desktop. Sales, Purchase, Stock, Accounts, Tools, Help I Exit buttons will display. When clicks on Sales, Purchase or other buttons, the relevant menu would be open.
The interface of accounting software Troyee is termed as ‘Dashboard Interface’. When you make click on the Accounts button, the following window will be displayed. Everything on the desktop… nothing hidden. No need to learn by heart.
Left side Master Buttons are for configuration of different options and also to create or insert new information (Head of Accounts, Items etc).
Middle side Transaction Buttons are for all sorts of transactions and
Right side Reports Buttons are to have reports (preview & print).
Navigation is very speedy as the operation is mostly Keyboard based. However, the mouse is also usable in all operations.
Same scenario for other menus: Stock, Purchase, & Sales.
In Tools Button, there are some major functionalities for configuration & housekeeping works.
Help button contains complete User’s Guide that is usually supplied with the software pack.
Accounting Software Troyee: Secured Data Backup & Restoration System
Data Backup system in Troyee Software: When manual processes get stopped and all sorts of transactions are maintained by software, then entered and saved data turned into a very valuable asset that should not be damaged by in any case. So, it is important to make the backup of data regularly.
Very well protected Backup System is present in Troyee Software. During closing of the Troyee software, each time it will ask for taking backup of the data with current transactions. And, each time the user should choose ‘Yes’ to have a backup.
The best method for backup is known as SON, FATHER, GRANDFATHER SCHEME OF BACKUP. That is, the same backup must be taken thrice on three different unconnected media and maintained independently referred to as the son, father, and grandfather.
All transactions are saved in the software instantly when transactions are saved. This is called ‘Mother’ backup. Backup taken during the closing of the software is called ‘Son’ which is saved in different drive/location. Another copy of this backup made in a different media (Pen drive or CD) is called ‘Father’ backup. The grandfather backup is a copy of backup kept outside the office maintaining a regular interval, say, weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Backup file names are default and paths are user-defined. The extension of the backup file is *.DAT. Default installation location of Troyee Software is ‘C’ drive and backup files are saved in ‘D’ drive. Every day only one backup file is generated irrespective of the number of instance of opening and closing of the software. Each Backup file carries a uniqueness; first, the name of the company, then the name of the day, and a unique number for the company.
There will be seven backup files for seven days. In next weeks, each file get overwrite with respective files. A great facility of this system is that by only seven backup files (avoiding numerous numbers of backup files) it is possible to maintain a secured backup system in Troyee accounting inventory Software.

Data Restore system in Troyee accounting inventory Software: This option restores the data backed through the backup option. Existing data if any will be completely overwritten by this option. While restoring following message come indicating restoration process.
Warning: The overwritten data can never be recovered by any means.
That is why Restore option is potentially dangerous. Whenever any doubt always restores into a freshly created company.