About Us
Birth of Troyee- a story of success…
a time befitting epochal step in the software industry of Bangladesh
As a software marketing, sales, implementation, training and after sales service providing organization “IB Corporation” was working with 3rd party software for long time and achievement was attainment of a very good number of satisfied customers. But their dissatisfaction was that they were selling foreign software. If those were of their own or at least of Bangladeshi company made!
But in advancement of their business, they understood that in the context of Bangladesh, software marketing business as tough one. Without strong patient and high level of customer service, continuation of software business is simply nightmare that forces shutting down of the business.
Despite, once the attempt got started. It was 2000. Discussions went on with software and business professionals. Everything was brought under one hood. Experience earned from users during implementation phase was transferred to the core people so that a unique product software be designed to beat the feature & ease of use of foreign software.
Days ran ahead. Once, some modules were ready for marketing. Preparations were in place. Suddenly, core programmer left the scenes. Within tense scenario, news blast that availing attractive opportunity the programmer left not only the project, form the country as well. So, again local market nested with foreign software due to leaving of technical guys in abroad.
It took quite a good time to absorb the shock but it was not the end. Again, start of attempt. But, this time with very organized way.
During the time of March 2002, the programmer joined as directors. One came forward with investment; an association of five members was formed aiming development of a product software (Integrated Accounting-Inventory with relevant MIS) to compete similar product software those were dominating our local market.
Name of the organization “Best Business Bond Ltd. (3BL)’ & name of the proposed product ‘Troyee’ was confirmed in a meeting on April 03 2002.
Full-fledged work started on regular basis with active participation of FIVE sanguine creative thinkers among those TWO were Programmer, TWO were Business Analyst and ONE was Investor.
Then…., a story of passing a long path with numerous ups and downs…, and of course… a story of success… a time befitting epochal step in the software industry of Bangladesh.
On test basis, 1st installation of Troyee was in Casio Miracle Sales & Service Center and it was April 27, 2004, simply after two years from the commencement.
Then, official launching of complete Troyee was made on 14th September 2005, through a press conference arranged in the auditorium of IDB Bhaban.
Number of clientele was increasing very rapidly with a target of making Troyee a Brand of Quality Software solution in the field of INTEGRATED Accounts-Inventory, Manufacturing & MIS software.